Family support
Advocating for your child
Learn how to make your voice heard – it can help you to ensure that your child and family needs are being met.
Talking about your child's limb difference
How to share the news, meet strangers and help your child to answer questions about their limb difference.
Supporting siblings
Tips for siblings of a child with a limb difference to help them understand, adjust to and learn to live with that difference.
Parents and friends – adjusting to a child's limb difference
Everyone close to a child with a limb difference - acquired or congenital - will have their own response to it.
Combatting bullying
How to recognise if your child is being bullied, support them, address the problem, and give them the skills to avoid being targetted again.
National Disability Insurance Scheme explained
How the NDIS works, what it funds and how participants can manage their funding.
Government assistance
A list of support allowances that are available to people with a disability and their carers.
Asking for support
Connect with people who understand - contact Limbs 4 Life or join our Facebook group to chat with other families.