Parking and public transport
Close parking and accessible transport can make a difference to the lives of parents and children with a limb difference. Understand how to get to where you need to go locally in safety and comfort.
Car parking
If your child has a lower limb amputation, being able to park your car closer to where you are going can help. This is especially the case if your child has difficulty walking long distances, is recovering from surgery, adjusting to a new prosthesis or in a wheelchair.
Your child may be eligible for a disabled parking permit for your car. Disabled parking rules and regulations are different in each state and territory. To find out how it works in your area, contact your local council or the relevant state or territory transport authority.

Public transport
Accessible public transport is important for all people. It doesn’t just apply to people living with a disability but also pregnant women, parents using a pram and older people with limb loss. Some children may be eligible for public transport concession. To find out more about local public transport, accessibility and concessions speak to your public transport authority.
Taxi and transport assistance
If your child is not allowed to drive because of their limb difference and finds it hard to use public transport, they may be eligible for a taxi subsidy or a Centrelink mobility allowance payment. The NDIS provides funding for transport within some participants plans.
More information
Planning plane or international travel? Go to travelling with a child with a limb difference