Education, training or employment for people with a limb difference
After school young people can choose to pursue further education and training, apprenticeships, traineeships and employment.
Career planning during school years
Young people can participate in a range of career exposure activities and career planning while at school. All aim to helping them work out areas of interest and future pathways.
When exploring pathways, think about:
- interests, hobbies or favourite subjects
- training and education required for different careers
- current growth occupations or industry ‘skills shortages’
- new or emerging occupations and industries
- your moral and social values.

Support for people with a limb difference at uni or TAFE
Disability support is available to young people attending further education institutions.
All TAFEs and universities have dedicated disability liaison officers or disability support officers, who are there to help students with a disability. They can assist with:
- provision of academic support workers (e.g. note takers, readers)
- access to adaptive technology (e.g. voice activated software)
- alternative arrangements for course materials and assessment (e.g. additional time, scribes)
- campus orientation
- liaison with lecturers and teachers
- physical accessibility
- referral to other support services (e.g. counselling, health, housing, finance).
For more information check the institution’s website or make an appointment to meet their disability support officer.
Types of employment and how to find it
Employment after school can include apprenticeships, traineeships or open employment.
Australian apprenticeships and traineeships combine training and employment and you earn a nationally recognised qualification. If you are a school-leaver, are re-entering the workforce or wanting to change careers, you can apply to do an apprenticeship or traineeship. For more information go to Australian Apprenticeships
Open employment refers to working in the open labour market. Some jobs require that you have a specific qualification, such as school completion or a tertiary diploma or degree.
Services are available to help you to find and keep employment. Job Access is the national hub for workplace and employment information for people with disability, employers and service providers.